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2013-08-12 August
Cemetery & Parks Meeting
August 12, 2013
Kimball House

The meeting was opened at 7:24PM present were, Ray Boyes, Tubby Boucher, John Barett(arriving later in the meeting), Roger Rapoza, Pam Haman and guest Robert Tumber of West Townsend.   

June  Minutes were reviewed and approved.

Deeds were signed
Tubby Boucher moved to approve the July expenditures and were in favor motion carried bills were approved and signed.

Robert Tumber attended the meeting with concerns about the fence at Riverside Cemetery, Bob feels that the intent of the James Tucker Fund is “mainly for the up keep of the fence” even thought the will states, curbing, monuments and fence.  He also noted that there are several different types of fence around the cemetery.

Bob would like to donate the paint for the fencing along Dudley Road with the cemetery department providing the labor.  Roger reminded everyone that the fence has been repaired/replaced several times.  That portion of fencing takes a lot of wear from snow and ice.  Roger said this would be a labor intensive project due to the length of the fence having to paint both sides as well as in between each slat.  He felt that with the rainy summer and work expanding Riverside Cemetery he did not have man power to devote to this project at this time.  Ray felt the fence was fine and didn’t need to be painted.   Tubby felt more research/options were needed.  No final decsion was made.

Superintendents Report:  
Purchase a used dump truck with plow from Dufours.  Would replace the truck that is out of commission and at the Highway barn.
Howard Park:  Garage has been painted; area around that garage has been cleaned up.  Purchasing of roofing material is needed to complete the work on the garage.  John Barrett move to allow Roget to use town credit card to purchase roofing material for Howard Park garage.  Ray seconded all were in favor motion carried.
Work continues on the expansion at Riverside Cemetery.  Job has been less costly since the department has been able to do a large portion of the work.  May be possible to get fill from other town projects to level the ground.

Other Matters:  Tubby Boucher moved to allow for the military encampment at Howard Park on September 14, 2013.  Ray Boyes seconded all ere in favor motion carried.
A brief discussion was held about restoring funding for the 32 hr a week foreman position.  An article would need to be submitted for the special town meeting in the fall.  

Meeting adjourned at 9:15PM

Next meeting September 9 2013


Pam Haman